Sunday 6 September 2015

Stephen Hawking
He was born on january 8, 1942 in oxford and attended St. Alban school until he graduated in 1958.Where he was a good student but not the great then he attended college at Oxford where his passion was Maths and got the degree in natrual sciences.In 1962 he graduated form oxford and went to  cambridge for PhD.In the same year he was diagnoses for some disease and after that he married jane in 1965. He completed his PhD at the of 23 and started teaching at cambridge

 at the age of 26 he was on the chair full time cause of illness.He had 2 children at the of27.

first ahievement was in 1974 when he proved that black holes are not vaccum,coining the term hawking radiations.In 1975 he was also awarded with puix eleventh gold medal for science later on in 1976 with Hughes gold medal for original idea.In 1978 he was awarded with Albert Enstines medal for his performence,in shorthe got many medals for his unique work.In 1985  lost the ability to speak and usrd to communicate by his one finger muscle, later by his cheak muscle.In 1988 published his book named on time.
He exoerienced space as well. He was and is very much interested in ohysics and married his 2nd wife lucy aswell. Thought he was not able to move or talk still he with his hardword got 16 great medal wrote 14 books and produced 6 movies.
Thus world will never forget his cintribution in physics.

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